
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Short History of the Feast of Saint Joseph

Commentary from the St. Andrew’s Daily Missal, 1962 ed.
  The Church never dissociates St Joseph from Jesus and Mary, and the Gospel of his feast mentions them together. The Mass presents our Lady’s husband, our Lord’s foster-father, as the just man. whose soul is ever turned towards God and is filled with His blessings (Ep.), so that it becomes strong and mighty as a cedar of Libanus (Int.). Humbly and faithfully fulfilling his noble and delicate task of caring for the Holy Family of Nazareth, St Joseph is our model for the virtues of family life and daily duty, and the protector of purity and the Christian home.
  St Joseph’s cult was slow in developing. His feast was introduced in different places at different times, and on different days; it was fixed during the 15th century on March 19, which was believed to be the anniversary of his death. In 1621 Gregory XV extended its observance to the whole Church.- In 1870 Pius IX solemnly proclaimed him Patron and Protector of the universal Church.

(Note: It belonged to the Father to give a name to his Son. The angel sent by God to give this mission to joseph thereby shows that Joseph had with regard to Jesus the same rights as if He were his son.)