
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Fast and Pray

An excerpt from a reflection on Ash Wednesday by Fr. Steven Markantonis from the Theology of the Body Institute
"When asked why his disciples do not fast, the Lord Jesus responds, "Can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? The days will come, when the bridegroom is taken away from them and then they will fast." (Mt 9:15) The days will come, and are now finally here! Lent begins. Throughout the liturgical year we are afforded the benefit of experiencing the entire life of Christ our Bridegroom. Our Lenten journey is thus a sacramental entrance into the mystery of the Lord's suffering and death. We must enter into the sorrow, bitterness, pain and loss of the Lord's death; for there can be no Easter Sunday without Good Friday. As we journey into this reality, we too suffer as our beloved, our divine spouse, our everything and all, is being taken away from us. We find ourselves again abandoned and afraid.
The fast is our preparation for the feast. It is an interior preparation, a circumcision of the heart, through which we take up our cross and walk daily with our Beloved. He endured what he did to heal us of our sins. No doubt then, when we fast we share his cross so as to be purified and healed of any lesser loves that get in the way of our one true Love. We literally become emptied so as to be filled with the new wine of divine grace. The Bridegroom is being taken away, but he will return. Then, we will share in the victory feast, the nuptial feast, when our Beloved has conquered all threats and divisions, and brought us to the newness of life!"